Week 9&10 - AR
The final form our AR project took was in outer space, our assets floating in the depths of the space, we had the famous James Webb telescope's capture of the deeper space as our background, and aligned our assets which were pacman and ghosts on top of it. We discussed how this could protray our vulnerability in outer space, where we are sorrounded by danger (the ghosts). We also used some starter assets from Adobe Aero (planets) to give our space some depth. We also used a new asset which was a meteor shower like gif, to add movement to our scene. We then arrenged all the movements and loops inside Adobe Aero and had it displayed on top of a table in class. Overall this has been a fun project, I explored lots of new realms that I had no idea existed, I may revisit certain aspects of these technologies for future use but overall, this kind of technology and media is not as accessible as I hoped it to be yet. I couldn't get the app to work on my Android phone which was quite frustrating. Even then, where do you release this kind of art. Is there a marketplace for it out there? Do most people even know it exists? I doubt that we are there yet. But I can see how certain parts could be useful as an immersive and interactive performance.
— Nima Niazi